Tuesday, July 3, 2012

PSA: I'm Alive Mom

Jambo! Well, this is my very first blog from Mombasa, so I'm sure my mom is freaking out. To my mother: I am alive and perfectly fine! Internet isn't something we get every single day, so it's precious when we can use it! 

Wow...where do I even begin?! If I even attempted to blog about everything since we've gotten here, I would probably write for hours and end with a complete novel on my hands. So, I'll do a quick summary of last week and focus on the safari, etc. My experiences while on this trip have been completely and utterly amazing! I have never fallen in love so quickly with a place and its people as I have here. Everyone is extremely friendly and so welcoming (even more friendly than College Station, Mom). 

From Thursday to Sunday we stayed at Mbewau (the school) in one of the extra classrooms. I helped in the babies class (3-4 yrs old) and oh my word! They are the CUTEST little kids in the world! Their personalities are all so funny, and I can't help but smile thinking of their precious faces! I definitely attached myself to each and every one of them so it'll be a VERY hard day when we leave. They all love to be held and will fight each other until you pick them up. Holding two at a time is common and if you're really strong, like Jessica, then you hold three at once. Every morning when I walked into the classroom they would shout, "Teacher! Teacher!" and immediately run to be picked up. Words don't even describe how precious these children are, and I can only hope and pray that the Lord used me to shed His love on them. 

Yesterday we left in the morning to head on safari! That was super awesome! We went on three trips through the preserve: one going to the hotel, an evening safari, and a sunrise safari this morning. I felt like a little kid every time we would see an animal, and I definitely had the Lion King soundtrack going through my mind the whole time! During the evening safari, we sat for a solid hour (maybe a little more) watching three female lions and one male lion stalk an entire herd of water buffalo. Needless to say, nothing happened and we were all very disappointed that the lions didn't attack the buffalo. My favorite part was this morning's sunrise safari. I woke up early to watch the sun rise and it was breathtaking. Words can't describe the beauty of an African sun rise and the colors that spread across the sky as the sun slowly ascends. There was a moment during the safari where my entire van was silent (I think at this point Jenny was sleeping), and I just stood staring at everything around me, trying to take as many mental pictures as possible. The silence combined with the surrounding landscape left me in awe of God's amazing creation. From the red dirt to the overwhelming mountains, God created specifically to show off His glory. Once again, I am humbled by the majesty of God!

I have already been so blessed by this experience, and I thank God every day that He allowed me to go on this trip to serve Him. The Lord has humbled me so much and shown me what true joy in Him looks like! From day one, I have made sure to set aside any emotions I may have and allow the Lord to fill me with His overwhelming peace so He may use me 100% each day. I look forward to heading to Southcoast this weekend to serve the Lord even more! 





  1. ....What? Your mother freaking out because she hasn't heard of word from you in days????...thats crazy talk!!!! Love reading the blogs and hearing about everyone's experiences!! Love you, and hellos to every

  2. WMBC students are thinking of you daily with the Father! Keep us updated when you can.
